Katie - Fairhope Senior Portrait Session

August 12, 2013  •  2 Comments

This session with Katie started in Robertsdale and ended in Fairhope. We were able to get different looks and locations in one session. 

Soccer Portrait Robertsdale We started with a soccer picture as this was a sport Katie participated in.


Dirt Road in Robertsdale One of the things I discourage is having a session taken at railroad track. One, they are cliched. Two, it's on private property, and three, there is a safety factor to consider. However, there are ways of getting the look of the train track and one way is to shoot on dirt roads.


Next, we went to Fly Creek for some shots at the rock jetty. 

Photographer in Fairhope

Afterwords we moved to the area around the Fairhope Pier for some sunset pictures.

South Beach Fairhope Fairhope at Sunset Sunset at South Beach Fairhope To finish up the session we shot next her piano which is another passion for her.

Daphne Portrait


Jon Hauge Photographer
Thank you!
Jon, these are wonderful! I love your perspective and she is a great model. Her character seems to be captured very well
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