Beach Blizzard of 2015-Gulf Shores, AlabamaWe don't have blizzards in the South but may get an occasional snow fall or deep freeze. The closest we get to a blizzard is at the beach when we get a strong South wind. The beach sand gets blown around and the mist from the breaking waves causes a fog. A side effect of all this is vehicles get covered in a mixture of sandwater, beach restaurants get busy and hairdressers make extra money fixing hair. On Saturday, February 21,2015 just such a day happened in Gulf Shores,Alabama. Jim Cantore would have loved this day. Gulf Shores Beach PhotographySouth winds made for a breezy day and rough seas on Saturday, February 22,2015 in Gulf Shores,Alabama.
Gulf Shores Beach PhotographySouth winds made for a breezy day and rough seas on Saturday, February 22,2015 in Gulf Shores,Alabama. Gulf Shores Beach PhotographySouth winds made for a breezy day and rough seas on Saturday, February 22,2015 in Gulf Shores,Alabama. Gulf Shores Beach PhotographySouth winds made for a breezy day and rough seas on Saturday, February 22,2015 in Gulf Shores,Alabama. Gulf Shores Beach PhotographySouth winds made for a breezy day and rough seas on Saturday, February 22,2015 in Gulf Shores,Alabama. Gulf Shores Beach PhotographySouth winds made for a breezy day and rough seas on Saturday, February 22,2015 in Gulf Shores,Alabama. Gulf Shores Beach PhotographySouth winds made for a breezy day and rough seas on Saturday, February 22,2015 in Gulf Shores,Alabama. Gulf Shores Beach PhotographySouth winds made for a breezy day and rough seas on Saturday, February 22,2015 in Gulf Shores,Alabama. Gulf Shores Beach PhotographySouth winds made for a breezy day and rough seas on Saturday, February 22,2015 in Gulf Shores,Alabama.
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