Lightning Over Robertsdale

April 29, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

The early morning thunderstorms on April 29,2014 kept me awake so I decided to get some lightning strikes in my backyard. I set up a wide angle lens on my Nikon D700, put it on a tripod, and set a long exposure. This was an exercise in frustration. I would see lightning in one area and point my camera in that direction. However, the area I was just taking pictures of would then be lit up with lightning. I missed some really good strikes by moving the camera around instead of keeping it aimed at one spot. I did get a couple of decent shots out of the process. Lightning Over RobertsdaleLightning Over RobertsdaleLightning strikes over a field in Robertsdale,Alabama on an early April 29,2014 morning. Lightning Over RobertsdaleLightning Over RobertsdaleLightning strikes over a field in Robertsdale,Alabama on an early April 29,2014 morning.


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